Our estate planning library articles cover a range of topics, from choosing between a will and a trust to explaining healthcare powers of attorney, and more.
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Understanding Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts and Their Tax ImplicationsMedicaid Asset Protection Trusts taxed as a Grantor's Trust in Ohio
Starting the Estate Planning Conversation with Your Parents: A Holiday GuideOhio to have the Estate Planning Conversation with your parents over the holidays
What do you do when a loved one passes away? How do you handle their affairs and in what order? What documents do you need to have? What do you do if the life insurance policy is missing?Ohio Probate Lawyer Explains What To Do When A Loved One Passes Away?
Have you been named Executor? What is the difference between Executor and Administrator? How long does Probate take? How much will it cost? What taxes will the estate have to pay?Ohio Attorney explains the Probate Process
Dying Without a Will: Ohio Decides Who Gets WhatIf you die without a will in Ohio, your estate will be distributed in accordance with state law, not your wishes or your family members' needs.
A Well-Designed Trust Can Ensure That Your Estate Planning Wishes Are HonoredTrusts are an important part of most comprehensive estate plans. Here, learn about what they can do to protect your property and provide for your loved ones.
What Will Happen To My Loved One's Assets If They Do Not Go Through The Probate Court?Ohio Attorney talks about what happens to a loved one's assets if they do not go through Probate Court
Does Your Estate Plan Have These Essential Documents?A comprehensive estate plan is more than just a will. We discuss the essential documents every Ohio estate plan should have.
Are you Prepared? The coronavirus is an important reminder to have your affairs in order.Importance of Estate Planning Tools during the uncertain times with coronavirus
The Real Cost of a Will In Ohio - The Hidden costs on your FamilyDid you know that relying on a Will alone can have hidden costs to your family? Click here to learn what they are and how to avoid them.